Andora Crossing
Cave Creek AZ
Welcome to our ShareSite
This site is for sharing documents and news concerning Andora Crossing members and directors of the HOA.
To use this website, go to the upper left of the screen where it says HOME. This is the menu. View this area to see the pages that are currently available. The content will continue to grow as we continue to build this site. Any suggestions for comments can be sent to Judy to be forwarded to our board for consideration. If approved, we will have our web developer implement them in due time.
In the link below you will find the GoogleGroups Group app that was setup to manage access to this website and for discussions and notices.
Important Notice (click here) ------------------------->
In the December HOA Board meeting it was voted to increase Andora Crossing annual dues by $50.00 per lot site to a total of $500.00 per year. Invoice notices will be delayed this year due to our HOA Manager passing. Please be patient as we work to replace Judy Romero's role and adjust to what she has been providing for us since the Rancho Villas 2 development came into existence. We will post any arrangements regarding Judy here when they become known.
Please help us correct and keep a good directory listing of homeowner and tenant contact information. Look at the document on this website and if any information is missing or incorrect, email our Secretary or any member of the board the correct info. We would like contact info on you tenant if you are renting as there comes a need occasionally to contact all in the neighborhood for emergency notices such as fire, gate closures, etc.