Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's)

Andora Crossing By-Laws.pdf


Any reference in this website to "Andora Crossing" or "Andora Crossing HOA" or "HOA" should be understood to mean "Rancho Villas Unit Two Tract "A" Homeowners Association".

By-Laws refer to how the board is elected and the powers conferred to the HOA board. It also specifies how and when meeting will be conducted.

Article 5 allows board meetings and special board meetings to be conducted by electronic methods.

Given the current state of Covid 19 pandemic restrictions and recommendations, future board meetings will be conducted via electronic means, including video group chat.

Notices placed in a "public area" as specifed in the By-Laws will include notices placed on the website.

JOINT USE AGREEMENT20180208_12471106.pdf

Joint use Agreement

Refers to our joint use of the front gate and Rancho Manana Blvd with Villas at Black Mountain.

Andora Crossing CCR's.pdf

Andora CC&R's

See paragraph 15 on page 18 for architectural control information and request requirements with supporting documentation.

All references to "Declarant" should be understood to mean the original developer of the sub-division. Any reference to Declarant, in the current period of time, should be ignored as the sub-division has been transferred to the HOA, and Declarant has no responsibility or control over the HOA.